Artuso_Rusty Blackbird_8633_f_take off with copyrightEach Area of Interest (AOI) is represented by a single latitude/longitude value, but this is more an artifact of eBird than an exact representation of where a flock was observed in 2014. Rusties may not have been found at the exact point represented on the map. When you search an AOI for Rusties, focus your search on potential Rusty habitat in the vicinity of the AOI. Note that some AOIs will cover a very small area (a discrete pond, for example) while others will cover a very large area (a major wildlife refuge). Make sure the location you choose to report your data matches the named location of the AOI.

AOI surveys follow similar guidelines to non-AOI Rusty Blitz searches. All you need to do is use our Collecting and Reporting Data guidelines to survey an AOI; report your efforts to eBird under our Rusty Blackbird Spring Migration Blitz protocol, which is available on eBird under “Observation Type- Other” between 1 March and 15 July. At a minimum, we need to know where you searched for Rusties and how many you found. If possible, we encourage you to record and report additional information, such as the type of habitat in which you found Rusties or what these birds were doing when you saw them. Remember, reporting searches in which you did not find Rusties is just as important as reporting observations of this bird.

Please remember to respect private property when birding. Some of our Areas of Interest fall in private backyards; please do not attempt to access private property without permission.