The Blitz challenged birders to seek out the elusive Rusty Blackbird throughout its migratory range, from the southern United States, through the Midwest and along the East Coast, and up into Canada during the Springs of 2014, 2015, and 2016. Using the eBird platform, birders were encouraged to submit their observations and the results were analyzed.
The Rusty Blackbird Spring Migration Blitz had four key objectives:

2. Assess the consistency of numbers at different stopover locations and the consistency of timing of stopover occurrence; this was achieved by repeating the Blitz for three consecutive years.
3. Leverage the Blitz process and communications to strengthen relationships with state, federal and private conservation organizations and personnel. This included collecting data to inform State Wildlife Action Plans, Joint Venture implementation strategies, and other conservation efforts and has the ultimate goal of promoting Rusty Blackbird conservation;
4. Use the Blitz to better engage the birding community and create increased awareness and engagement regarding Rusty Blackbirds and their conservation.
Take a look at the Rusty Blackbird Spring Migration Blitz Summary Report for the results.