And- we’re off! Welcome to the second season of the Rusty Blackbird Spring Migration Blitz!
Welcome back to the Rusty Blackbird Spring Migration Blitz! We’ve got several new exciting goals and resources for the second year of our three-year Blitz. This year, in addition to searching any and all Rusty habitat for Rusty Blackbirds, we challenge birders to revisit Areas of Interest, locations where large flocks were reported in 2014. We’ve created two eBird video tutorials- one for those already comfortable with eBird who want to learn more about when and how to submit data to the Blitz, and one aimed at birders who want a step-by-step guide for how to submit data to eBird. We’re also distributing a Rusty Blackbird Fact Sheet to nature centers to spread the word about Rusties, their great conservation mystery, and the Blitz.
For a quick overview of the Year 2 Blitz, our goals for this season, and how to participate, check out our article on eBird. And don’t forget to like us on Facebook for Rusty Blackbird fun facts, identification tips, Blitz reports, and general Rusty fun. Happy Blitzing!